Mission Field Receives award

The team of us here at Mission Field are extremely honored to have received the Financial Times 2022 award for The Americas Fastest Growing companies. This is the second time we have been granted this important award from the Financial Times (having previously earned it in 2020) and we are grateful for the 2nd round of recognition. In 2022 we were ranked #18 among management consultancies and very proud to have been listed with an amazing group of other successful companies in America as well as Canada and Brazil: https://www.ft.com/content/6ee8f978-a2e0-4644-b7c7-0718a334adb7

Winning this award would not have been possible without both the inspiration and hard work from the entire team at Mission Field, for whom I have the deepest respect, and from whom we have been able to consistently elevate our performance on every aspect of our business. I sincerely want to thank our leadership team of Carolina Sasson (COO), Caragh McLaughlin (Managing Director), Julie Beck (Managing Director) and Julia Wing Larson (Managing Director) and Operations Manager Stacey Olsen for all of their strategic visioning and dedication to empowering our clients to embrace a new form of entrepreneurial innovation.

Among the other winners in our category, it’s exciting to see a mix of innovation firms (https://www.epicenter-innovation.com), firms that help make a strategy come to life (https://www.pepperfoster.com/) , firms that guide organizations to overcome the fear of change (https://www.spinnakerconsultinggroup.com/) and firms that love to take on big and meaty challenges (https://metaphaseconsulting.com/). We feel that the Financial Times 2022 winners are just like us - dedicated professionals looking to help create disruptive changes their industries and turn critical strategies into real & actionable results. Thank you!


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